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Lake Castle Madisonville Private School
"Excellence in Education"
Pre-Kindergarten through 8th Grade
Barry M. Butera, Principal
Dear Parents:
Thank you for expressing an interest in Lake Castle Madisonville Private School, Inc. located in Madisonville on Highway 21, approximately 1.9 miles south of Interstate 12.
Since 1995, Lake Castle Madisonville students have scored exceptionally well on national testing. The average student national percentile is above the 87th percentile on the Stanford Achievement Test, Tenth Edition. Very few schools in the state of Louisiana administer the tenth edition of the Stanford Achievement Test. Consequently, Lake Castle Madisonville has an academic standing second to none for an elementary school.
Our Tuition Schedule is available for your review. Prospective parents must attend an orientation meeting prior to registering for enrollment. A request to attend one of our orientation meetings can be submitted through the following link:
Lake Castle Madisonville Private School Orientation
Once we are in receipt of your request, you will be contacted and given a date and time to come to the school for an orientation. At least one parent or family representative must represent every prospective applicant. Please do not bring children to this meeting. The orientation takes approximately two hours and is most important.
The following topics will be covered:
Academic philosophy of Lake Castle Madisonville
Philosophy pertinent to discipline
Pupil responsibilities
Parental role in education
If you find the philosophy of Lake Castle Madisonville to be compatible with yours, you may then set up an appointment with our admissions director to finalize the registration process. Acceptance to the school is contingent upon my review and approval of the following information:
1. Report Card (if applicable)
2. Most recent national test scores (4th-8th grades only)
3. Birth Certificate
4. Current immunization record
Please note that children entering pre-kindergarten should turn four years of age by no later than September 1 of the calendar year in which they begin school.
Once again, I'd like to thank you for your interest in Lake Castle Madisonville. If there is anything I can do to help you please do not hesitate to call.
Sincerely in education,
Barry M. Butera
Visit Lake Castle Madisonville

To request attendance at an orientation meeting:
Call: (985) 845-3537
or follow the link for the
To request more information:
Contact the Admissions Office
(985) 845-3537
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