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The philosophy of discipline at Lake Castle is to create an atmosphere that sets guidelines which must be followed in order to achieve "Excellence in Education" as well as to assist in developing a responsible individual. The following guidelines have been instituted to assist in accomplishing these goals.


The Lake Castle discipline policy is one that emphasizes both fairness and the development of a courteous, polite, responsible student. At Lake Castle we understand that no one is perfect and that children will have breakdowns in the areas of academic responsibilities and behavior from time to time. This is understandable and to be expected. It is only when a pattern of irresponsibility or misbehavior presents itself that a cause for concern arises. It is at this time that consequences are invoked, and these consequences are reasonable as well as valuable in teaching life lessons.


We want our students to look forward to school, and never do we want students to feel that they must be perfect, with no room for error. This is both unrealistic and unhealthy. We attempt to have a discipline policy that is fair yet firm at the same time.  As far as behavior in the classroom setting is concerned, Lake Castle Madisonville firmly believes that no student has the right to deprive other students of their opportunity to learn. When teachers have to constantly stop teaching to correct students who are misbehaving, all students in the class are negatively impacted. We expect all students to treat other students and staff members with the epitome of respect. We expect our students to conduct themselves as young ladies and gentlemen. And in turn, students will be treated respectfully by teachers and their fellow students.


Homework assignments are to be completed as assigned. Students at Lake Castle are taught that completion of homework is their responsibility – a responsibility that must be taken very seriously. Homework is given in very reasonable amounts and reinforces subject matter recently covered in class.


Lake Castle Madisonville prides itself on communication with parents. If there are any breakdowns in the areas of academic responsibilities or behavior, notification will be sent home to the parents on the day of the infraction. This notification is for informational purposes only in order to keep the parents abreast as to what the student is or is not doing. This communication must be signed by the parent and returned by the student to the homeroom teacher the next morning. Please remember that the issuance of an infraction is not punitive - it is simply a means of keeping parents informed.


If and when a student receives a certain number of notations in a nine-week period, parents will be notified in writing that an additional notation during the current nine-week period will result in an after-school detention. This number varies by grade level. At the conclusion of each nine-week period, the "slate" is wiped clean, and each student begins anew.


We hope that you agree that the discipline policy at Lake Castle Madisonville is both fair and firm. The end result of the development of a responsible and respectful student is "Excellence in Education."

235 Highway 21         Madisonville, Louisiana            Phone:  (985) 845 3537       Fax:  (985) 819.8100

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