Lake Castle Madisonville Private School
"Excellence in Education"
Pre-Kindergarten through 8th Grade
Barry M. Butera, Principal
2024-2025 Extracurricular Calendar
K - 3rd Grades Little Artists
Little Artists has creative and fun classes per semester. Projects will introduce artists and art styles. The art work will often reflect the seasons and holidays. Famous artists and illustrators will be explored. Basic art skills will be taught in conjunction with music and storytelling that will be used to enhance the lesson. A variety of mediums will be used.
2nd Semester Registration​​
Chess Club
Chess is a wonderful, strategic game that will enhance your children’s concentration, discipline, logic, and other thinking skills. We are pleased to offer this activity to our students. Knowledge of how to play chess is preferred but not mandatory.
4th-7th Grade 1st Semester Registration
Session I
Seasonal STEM Activities Weatherproof Structures
Paper Playground Bridge STEM Challenge
Chain Reactions Sled STEM Challenge
Skills Drills
1st Grade Skills Drills with Mrs. Annette Heatherly
2nd Grade Skills Drills with Mrs. Jaclyn Dearie
Preview and review grade-level content in all subjects
Themed sessions
Fun games and activities
Individual and team prizes
Study Skills | Homework Process
Guided, quiet environment for students in need of directions, skill development, and prioritizing the homework process
Instruction on the afternoon process as well as study skills development
Grades K-1st Registration for 2nd Semester
Focus will be on correct drills to enhance beginner to advanced tumbling. All students will learn proper headstand, handstand, cartwheels, and back walkovers. Returning students will continue their previous program and advance accordingly. All students work on the balance beam and floor skills.
Pee-Wee Pep Squad (PK-1st) & Pep Squad (2nd-3rd)
The girls will learn dances and cheers with practices every other Wednesday after school. They will perform at basketball, football, and volleyball games as well as parades and other events throughout the school year.
Please note that both squads are full for the 2024-2025 school term; however, if you wish for your child to be placed on the WAITLIST, please submit the following form: