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Homework is considered a very important part of the Lake Castle educational program. We feel that it serves several significant purposes for the students.


First, homework serves as a reinforcement of the lessons covered in classes that day. Students need to be able to apply the concepts taught in class to solve problems while understanding the real-life applications of these concepts.


Second, when teachers check homework the following day, they are able to quickly ascertain the degree to which students grasped and are able to utilize the concepts previously taught. Students will also realize either their mastery or lack thereof of the material after having attempted the homework assignments. This feedback is invaluable to both the teachers and the students.


Third, and perhaps most importantly, when students perform their homework assignments, they will be developing the essential intangibles of responsibility, work ethic, and self-discipline. Lake Castle is as much about developing these characteristics in its students as it is about teaching merely the curriculum. Homework also serves to help students develop better study skills and the ability to work more efficiently.


Because most homework assignments deal with material covered in class that day, students quickly come to realize that by paying attention in class and asking questions whenever they fail to fully comprehend a concept, they will be able to complete assignments more quickly and with less difficulty.


Lake Castle parents are asked to monitor the amount of time their children spend on homework assignments and report to the teachers if the amount of time spent on homework varies significantly from the parameters listed. At Lake Castle Madisonville, teachers and administrators frequently take surveys of both students and parents to monitor homework time.


Lastly, we remind parents that upper elementary students in grades four through eight are to do the homework themselves. However, parents should make sure that students have indeed completed assignments and have studied for upcoming tests. Lower elementary parents should follow the directive of the individual teachers insofar as direct involvement with homework is concerned.


In closing, we hope that you agree that homework is a positive for your children. The benefits of a reasonable amount of time spent on homework assignments are essential to the total development of a Lake Castle Madisonville student.
















Homework Times by Grade Level

Pre-kindergarten:  10 minutes                               4th - 5th Grades:  1 - 1 1/2 hours

Kindergarten:  15 - 20 minutes                              6th - 7th Grades:  1 1/2 - 2 hours

1st Grade:  30 - 45 minutes                                 8th Grade:  2 hours or  more

2nd Grade:  45 - 60 minutes

3rd Grade:  1 - 1 1/4 hours


*Average homework times each day including written work and nightly review.

235 Highway 21         Madisonville, Louisiana            Phone:  (985) 845 3537       Fax:  (985) 819.8100

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