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Immunization records or any other pertinent medical information must be submitted before the beginning of school.


Change in dismissal

Any deviation from the normal routine for dismissal must be made in writing and directed to the teacher’s attention.  The teacher will notify the office of the dismissal change.


Only emergency calls will be delivered to pupils.


In case of an emergency such as a hurricane, extremely bad weather, etc., please tune to radio station WWL-870 AM or WWL-TV Channel 4 for any announcements.



Teachers – parents are to communicate with their children’s teachers as follows:

           ~  Send a note with the student requesting contact.

           ~  Call the main office (985.845.3537) and leave a message with the secretary for the teacher.

           ~  Email the teacher directly (Email addresses provided at Open House.)

           ~  Do not text or call teachers on their cell phones during the school day.  They will promptly reply to one of the above within one                          school day.




Everyone must wear the full school uniform, including proper shoes for boys and girls, every school day – scouts being the only exception.  Students out of uniform will be issued a warning and must come to school the following school day in complete uniform.  Students not in compliance will have to contact a parent to deliver the proper school attire or they will not be allowed back into the classroom. Upper elementary (4th-8th grade) students receiving four (4) or more uniform infractions will receive a detention on the 4th and every other infraction for the remainder of the school term. (Note:  This includes name tags which are a vital part of our students’ uniforms – especially for safety reasons.)  See Uniform Policy and Uniform Code  for more information.





  • All students in upper elementary (4th-8th) must perform their own preparation for class – only with the administrative permission will parental intervention be condoned. The students in lower elementary will follow the directive of their individual teachers.




   Classroom Policy​​

  • Questions in reference to a pupil’s academic or disciplinary format must first be directed to the teacher or teachers in question. Parents are to meet with teachers by appointment only.

  • Parents are not to bring children to the classroom nor is a parent to visit a classroom for the purpose of checking a student out of school or to talk with a teacher during the school day or without an appointment.




  • Tardiness:  See Lower Elementary and Upper Elementary Discipline Policies.


   Medication Policies

  • Any and all medications (either prescribed or over-the-counter) must be brought into the office and at any time no medication is to be in the child’s possession. See the Administration of Medication forms to be completed, signed, and accompany medication.

  • A list of medications for students must be kept current in the student's profile on Sycamore.  Report any changes in medication to the business office.

  • Refer to Lake Castle Medical Procedures for Illness.

  • Refer to Medication Administration.



  • Rolling backpacks are allowed for students in grades 1st through 8th ONLY and may not be any larger than  20" high x 14" wide x 9 1/2" deep to fit behind the students' desks.

  • Jansport Rolling Backpacks have been suggested due to their durability and are comparable to the previous L. L. Bean backpack:

                                  Jansport :  Jansport Rolling Backpack

                                  Amazon:   Jansport Rolling Backpack


  • PPK, PK, and K can purchase any backpack of their choice, however, it may not be a rolling backpack and must be large enough to hold folders and a reader.



Inasmuch as internet access is unavailable to the students at school, parents are fully responsible for any internet issues involving their children.  Should a student partake in any form of internet activity, including social media, that is considered inappropriate, he/she will be subjected to disciplinary action as deemed necessary by the principal which could result in expulsion.



Lake Castle Madisonville will have zero tolerance for any such behavior that is deemed to be a threat in accordance with Louisiana Law RS 14:122 [“True threats” occur when a person communicates a serious expression of an intent to commit an unlawful act of violence upon a person or group of persons with the intent to place such persons in fear of bodily harm or death.  The person need not actually intend to carry out the threat.].  Law enforcement will be notified immediately, and the student issuing the threat will no longer be enrolled at Lake Castle.  The incident will be recorded as a permanent record in the student’s file in accordance with requirements as per the State of Louisiana.



  • Running is allowed only during the Physical Education period.

  • There is to be no eating or drinking in the classroom except for inside lunch. 

  • No gum chewing on the school grounds.

  • Throwing of anything in the classroom is strictly prohibited and will result in a suspension.

  • White-out, Sharpies, electronic devices (including cell phones*, Smart watches), animals, etc. are NOT to be brought to school.

  • Any student who has a cell phone* in his/her possession will be issued an immediate 3-day suspension.

  • Only items indicated on the school supply lists will be allowed in school.

  • School textbooks are to be covered at all times with covers that properly fit the textbook.  School textbooks damaged due to the improper usage of book covers will be required to be replaced by the family.



The principal has the right to, immediately and without advanced notice, expel any student whose parent(s) exhibit a nature or take actions, which the principal believes to be incompatible with that of the school. The principal will be the sole determiner as to when this rule will be applied. Final decisions on any and all school matters - including, but not limited to, the above rules and regulations- will be at the principal’s discretion.



Complete Rules & Regulations PDF


235 Highway 21         Madisonville, Louisiana            Phone:  (985) 845 3537       Fax:  (985) 819.8100

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