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Lake Castle Madisonville Standardized Testing  Academic Statistics

Lake Castle Madisonville believes in the old-fashioned, conservative way of teaching and our educators foster an environment of individual achievement in which students learn to apply the knowledge taught.  These few statistics boast of our students’ successes.



Average SAT Results:  Composite Score of 88.7%

Lake Castle Madisonville students in grades kindergarten through 8th take the Stanford Achievement Test, Tenth Edition each spring of the school term. 


Lake Castle Madisonville 8th Grade ACT Results:  Average Composite ACT Scores 24


Our 8th graders are encouraged to take the American College Test (ACT) each April – the exact same testing that juniors and seniors are taking for acceptance into the colleges of their choice. 


ACT April, 2024 Top Score Per Subject Area       

                                                    Composite Score:          31

                                                    English Score:                34

                                                    Math Score:                   30

                                                    Reading Score:              36

                                                    Science Score:               29

                                                    STEM* Score:                30  

                                                         *Science, Technology, Engineering, Math





Louisiana Average ACT Composite Scores for 2022:  18.2

National Average ACT Composite Scores for 2022:   19.5


Best Colleges Article




235 Highway 21         Madisonville, Louisiana            Phone:  (985) 845 3537       Fax:  (985) 819.8100

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